Thursday, June 16, 2011

Red Necks are not just in Texas


1. Went to South Park, CO. Now I get why they made a tv show about the place - it is quiet, a little bizarre, and stuck in the middle of nowhere cool. Summer sucks ;)

2. Ate at the "Brown Burro" in South Park where, in spite of being so close to all the hippie-esque ski resorts, everyone has a southern accent and wears Wranglers and shit kickers.

3. Had a lively conversation with Tom, manager of Ace Hardware, about my plans for a tarp and rope.

4. Spent an evening sharing a campfire with three early 20s self-described red necks who taught me some new words and a new appreciation for people who drink crap beer and have nothing but meat in their cooler.

5. Discovered Preston had not informed Liz of appropriate attire for camping in the mountains. She was cold and did not sleep as I snoozed away in my fleece burrito and mummy bag.

6. Black fur on a dog does not mean the are any less filthy and in need of bathing.

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